Delinda Harrelson

The Flipping Coach

In the News

The Crocker-Spillman house, built in 1912, is one of two Chesnut Street homes in the Carolina Heights neighborhood on the Azalea Festival Home Tour. (Port City Daily photo/Johanna Ferebee)

More on the Azalea Festival Home Tour

The 1912 Crocker-Spillman House, better known as the temporary set for the early 2000s romance flick “A Walk to Remeber,” is just one stop on the Azalea Festival Home Tour.

At this year’s tour, ticket-holders will be treated to free ice cream from the Boombalatti’s food truck on Saturday. The event is sponsored by Delinda Harrelson and Associates, a historic house “flipper” who last year featured a restored Dock Street bungalow on the tour.

The Historic Wilmington Foundation Azalea Festival Home Tour is Saturday and Sunday, (April 6th-7th) Get tickets here.

Delinda’s Coaching Programs or Mastermind Groups

Delinda’s Coaching Programs or Mastermind Groups

This is a year long program designed for people that love to be a part of a community. Our close-knit group contains people of all investing levels that want to continue to grow their wealth, along with my team of Investing Experts that have experience in whatever area you are needing.

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