Nine Interesting Tidbits About Doors

Nine Interesting Tidbits About Doors

Our doors have been used over the centuries to announce special occasions such as weddings, births or funerals. Here are a few surprising facts about doors. These interesting tidbits about doors may help provide us with a better appreciation of an under-appreciated part of our home

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Restored Queen Anne Bungalow

Restored Queen Anne Bungalow

Where We Live: Restored Queen Anne bungalow on Dock Street WILMINGTON—After this house had been through Delinda Harrelson’s hands, it was barely recognizable. The historic-house flipper’s most recent project features a complete turnaround. From...

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WECTs Anchor Frances Wheeler

WECTs Anchor Frances Wheeler

With WECTs Anchor Frances Wheeler at Walmart for the annual bike drive donation. We are up to 300 bikes, highest it has ever been! Feels so good to be a part of bringing Christmas Cheer to others! Yesterday my team and I felt fortunate to donate to the Women's...

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