Where We Live: Restored Queen Anne bungalow on Dock Street

WILMINGTON—After this house had been through Delinda Harrelson’s hands, it was barely recognizable. The historic-house flipper’s most recent project features a complete turnaround. From a structure falling apart to a restored bungalow, this project required a dedicated team. RELATED: This historic house ‘flipper’ chooses restoration over renovation Built before 1903 in downtown Wilmington,… [Read More]


I Can Help!

Delinda HarrelsonIt doesn’t matter if you are burnt out, new to the game, a lousy rehabber, seasoned, successful or just plain curious, I encourage you to learn about the wonderful opportunities real estate investing can offer.

Learn more about how to earn more flipping real estate? Contact me today!

Delinda HarrelsonAbout Delinda Harrelson

Delinda has bought and sold over 150 properties, been involved in hundreds more through consulting, mentoring, and coaching. It doesn't matter if you are burnt out, new to the game, a lousy rehabber, seasoned, successful or just plain curious, I encourage you to learn about the wonderful opportunities real estate investing can offer people. I am sure not the sharpest tack in the box, so if I can do it, you can, too.


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