Sell Your North Carolina House Your Contact Information Your Name (required): Your Email (required): Your Best Contact #: Best Time to Call: —Please choose an option—AnytimeMorningAfternoonEveningNight Your Situation: Do you need to sell your house FAST?: YesNo What's your situation? Why are you selling?: How soon do you need to move? Your Property Information: Street Address: City: Zip Code: Property Type: —Please choose an option—Family HomeCondominiumTownhouseInvestmentProperty RentalVacation RentalMobile HomeDuplexTriplexQuadruplexCountryHome Farm / Ranch Lot and/or LandTimeshareNew Home BuildWaterfrontPropertyLakeviewCommercialIndustrialApartmentOther Bedrooms: 1234 or more Bathrooms: 11 1/222 1/23 or more Square Footage: Year Built: Subdivision: How long have you owned this house?: What is the current condition of your property?: Select valueExcellentGoodFairPoorTerrible What kind of repairs and maintenance does the house need?: How much do you think these repairs will cost?: Is there anyone living in the house?: Select valueYes - Owner OccupiedYes - TenantNo - Unoccupied Is the house currently listed with a ®Realtor?: NoYes If Yes, when does the listing expire?: Price & Terms How much are you asking us to pay for your house?: How did you determine your asking price?: SelectAppraisalRealtorTax AssessmentBest GuessComparablesAmount Needed to Move Δ