This year’s Preservation Awards ceremony was held on Thursday, May 22 at the historic New Hanover County Courthouse. This capstone event was just one of the many celebrations of National Preservation Month offered by the Foundation during May.

Historic Wilmington Foundation 2014 Annual Awards The theme for National Preservation Month is the New Age of Preservation: Embark, Inspire, Engage! and the awards are a reflection of the preservation at work in our community that inspires and engages the public and helps us achieve the goal of preserving and using our historic resources to enhance our lives. The awards recognize and honor the people who make preservation happen in this historic city and region.

The Historic Wilmington Foundation Preservation Awards recognized restoration, rehabilitation, compatible new development, as well as preservation leadership and individual contributions to the field. In a rare convergence the Foundation recognized three winners with their highest awards.

One of the Foundation’s penultimate awards, the Thomas H. Wright, Jr. award for Lifetime Achievement in Historic Preservation was presented to Beverly Tetterton.

The Katherine Howell Award for contributions to the furtherance of the Foundation’s mission to protect and preserve our irreplaceable historic resources was presented to Dr. Chris E. Fonvielle, Jr.

Finally, the David Brinkley Preservationist of the Year award went to the Bellamy Mansion Museum and Preservation North Carolina.

The Thomas H. Wright Award has only been awarded four times in the foundation’s history and these three awards have only been given simultaneously twice in the last ten years.

The Residents of Old Wilmington (ROW) and Wilmington Downtown (WDI) joined the festivities to each present one of their top awards to deserving recipients. ROW presented their annual Good Neighbor Award to Sherry Demas and WDI handed out its Benjamin Halterman Award for Leadership in Preservation to Ray Worrell for the rehabilitation of the Masonic Building for the new Slice of Life restaurant location.

Foundation executive director George Edwards expressed great pleasure with the evening’s program. It was a wonderful night, we had an overflow crowd of preservation minded people from across our three county service area and we honored 19 winners with awards of excellence. You couldn’t ask for a better group of award winners and the winners came from across the region.

The list of all the honorees follows:

1. Alicia Ross and Gayle Brady for compatible new construction of their home, the Brady Ross House, an example of appropriate new infill construction in an historic district.

2. Marcia and Sean Frelke for rehabilitation of the Edward S. Latimer House, 208 S. 3rd Street.

3. Ruth Arnold, an award of merit for her work in creating and lettering plaques for Historic Wilmington Foundation.

4. Scott Woehr- for rehabilitation of the J.W. Carmichael House, 806 Orange Street after a fire in the house.

5. Samuel and Laurie Sugg for preservation and restoration of the James D. and Frances Sprunt Cottage, 207 N. Lumina, Wrightsville Beach.

6. Delinda Harrelson for rehabilitation of two homes in the Westbrook-Ardmore District, 405 S. 21st Street and 1917 Church Street.

7. Pender County Library and the Pender County Board of Commissioners for rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of the Henry Murphy House, 103 S. Cowan Street, Burgaw, as the public library’s archives and genealogy center that serves as the depository for the Dallas Herring Carolina Heritage and Research Collection.

8. Mary Ellen Bramble, an award of merit for her generous donation of the Waddell House at 422 South Front Street to the Historic Wilmington Foundation.

9. Old Bridge Preservation Society for community leadership for its work to save and rehabilitate the iconic Old Swing Bridge in Sunset Beach as a community landmark and museum.

10. North Carolina Coastal Federation for rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of the Palmgren-O’Quinn House as NCCF’s Southeast Regional Office and Education Center, 309 W. Salisbury Street, Wrightsville Beach.

11. The Town of Burgaw for preservation and rehabilitation of the Burgaw Community Building, 102 E. Wilmington Street, and the former Pender County Jail, 106 E. Wilmington Street, for community use.

12. Louis Hesse, a preservation award of merit for his efforts to protect and preserve the architectural heritage of Burgaw.

13. Cape Fear Community College for compatible design and construction of the new Union Station Building at 502 N. Front Street, Wilmington.

14. Ray Worrell for rehabilitation of the St. John’s Masonic Building as Slice of Life Pizza, 125 Market Street.

15. Penderlea Homestead Museum, a leadership award for their initiative which resulted in the listing of the site in Willard, Pender County as a historic district on the National Register of Historic Places as well as for their efforts to protect and interpret the history of this significant New Deal Resettlement program.

16. The City of Wilmington, an award of merit for its publication of “A Guide to Wilmington’s African American Heritage,” a booklet that describes 37 historic sites related to the city’s African American history and heritage.

17. Katherine Howell Award: Dr. Chris Fonvielle for his significant contributions to help further the mission to protect and preserve the irreplaceable historic resources of Wilmington and the Lower Cape Fear Region and for his dedication to educating the community about Wilmington’s history through his many public lectures and tours.

18. David Brinkley Preservationist of the Year Award: Bellamy Mansion Museum and Preservation North Carolina for their leadership and commitment to the completion of the restoration of the Bellamy Mansion Slave Quarters, 503 Market Street, Wilmington.

19. Thomas Wright Award: Beverly Tetterton for her lifetime dedication to the field of historic preservation. As a member of the board for the Historic Wilmington Foundation on multiple occasions and chair of the plaque committee for over 25 years, Beverly has worked to preserve Wilmington’s history and educate the community. She has been the driving force behind many programs, lectures, and initiatives and continues to be active in the community through her involvement not only with HWF but also the Bellamy Mansion.

Delinda HarrelsonAbout Delinda Harrelson

Delinda has bought and sold over 150 properties, been involved in hundreds more through consulting, mentoring, and coaching. It doesn't matter if you are burnt out, new to the game, a lousy rehabber, seasoned, successful or just plain curious, I encourage you to learn about the wonderful opportunities real estate investing can offer people. I am sure not the sharpest tack in the box, so if I can do it, you can, too.


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